🤔Have you ever wondered how life is in the Foreign Service and what it's like to run your own business when constantly moving?

In this interview, I explain how I leveraged my office management background to organize our Foreign Service moves, then transformed my knowledge and experience into becoming a Digital Business Manager.

Exploring Portable Careers with Heather McNemar

I was interviewed by Heather McNemar, Regional Employment Advisor at Global Community Liaison Office (GCLO), sharing how I've Pivoted from being an EFM to owning my own portable business. I explain the ups and downs of starting a small business overseas and the challenges I have faced since I started. I hope you will find my story inspiring and that I can help you by sharing.

Make Life Less Difficult with Lisa

Lisa and I first met in 2012 in Manila, Philippines.  It was my first international assignment with my husband; we were Lisa’s and her husband's social sponsors.

It has been a privilege to stay connected, meeting up in random countries like Bahrain and Germany!  I worked with Lisa’s company, The REI Concierge when I was doing work as her VA.  In this conversation, I share my journey of becoming an HSP and how passionate I am about serving the HSP community.

The Transient Life of a trailing wife

We talk about what it's like to deal with the many moves and ups and downs of nomad life, how to make and maintain friendships when your life is so transient, and how to cope with the sacrifices you need to make sometimes.

Behind The Scene with Kanada Banda.

I talk to Lazado and Lator about how to use social media for your business and much more. ( The podcast is in Hungarian).

I am dedicating this part of the page to sharing podcast episodes that made a big impact on me and hoping to help you also once you listened.

Taking Control of your Time

Many of us feel like there aren't enough hours in the day. We struggle to make time for all the competing demands at work and home and inevitably feel like we're letting someone down. But what if there were a way to reclaim our time and, as a result, get more joy out of our lives? In this episode, psychologist Cassie Mogilner Holmes explains how we've fallen victim to the illusion of time scarcity and what we can do to spend our time more wisely. Enjoy!

How Highly Sensitive People Thrive

If you've ever heard the term “highly sensitive person” or even been called highly sensitive and maybe even recoiled a bit when that happened, this conversation with Dr. Elaine Aron just might change your world. An acclaimed researcher, she first identified high sensitivity as a distinct character trait more than 25 years ago, introducing the term “Highly Sensitive Person” to describe someone who is easily overwhelmed by strong sensory input, subtleties in the environment, and other people’s moods process things in different ways and at different speeds, and deeply feels pressure and overstimulation.